How Do I Download My Mp3?
To download your purchased Mp3 files, please follow these instructions:
Once logged in to your BrainMD account, under Account Dashboard, click on 'My Downloadable Products'.
For Windows Computers:
1. Right-click on the provided download link; this will display a drop-down menu.
2. Choose "Save As"
3. Save the Mp3 file to whichever folder you keep Mp3 and music files.
4. You can then play the file through your computer or move it to your preferred mobile device.
For Apple Computers:
1. Locate the Mp3 file you want to download.
2. Press "Ctrl" and your mouse button simultaneously; this emulates the "right-click" gesture on a Windows computer and a menu of options will appear.
3. Click "Save File As" from the menu options. Select a folder in which to save the file and click "Save."
4. Launch iTunes by clicking on the "iTunes" icon from your Mac's Dock.
5. Open the folder in which you saved the MP3 file by double-clicking on its name in the Finder. At this point, you should have both the iTunes window and the folder window open.
6. Click on the name of the Mp3 file and then drag it into the iTunes window. You will see a dialog box near the top of the window showing the status of the file transfer. When the dialog box closes, your Mp3 file will be accessible in iTunes.
***For information on how to download Mp3 files directly to your mobile device, please consult the user manual for your device.